Automation Is Engineering the Jobs Out of Power Plants

As coal-fired electric power plants close across the U.S., they take with them coal mining jobs, to be sure. And while those job losses have generated considerable political heat, a no-less important employment shift is under way within power plants themselves. Gone are many of the mechanics, millwrights, and welders who once held high paying […]

To Get Wind Power You Need Oil

Each wind turbine embodies a whole lot of petrochemicals and fossil-fuel energy  Wind turbines are the most visible symbols of the quest for renewable electricity generation. And yet, although they exploit the wind, which is as free and as green as energy can be, the machines themselves are pure embodiments of fossil fuels. Large trucks bring steel […]

6 Steps to Go from Procrastinating to Productive

As entrepreneurs and business owners, we have tasks on our list that we’d rather not do. So, we keep moving the goal post farther down the field and do almost anything we can to avoid those distasteful jobs. Personally, I don’t like to get involved in extra paperwork or monthly expense reports. Other founders have […]

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing Walt Disney

A Great Feat for the Great Team Simemis

The team SIMEMIS participated together with the company United Engineers and the team of the management of transition and startup GTA de PDVSA, in the start-up of the turbochargers of the project Jusepin 200 of PDVSA gas. This feat has become one of the undisputed surprises of the season with its particular tranquility before a […]

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Hellen Keller


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