Are you looking for your first work experience?

Did you just finish your college degree and are looking forward to starting work? Apply for a learning with Simemis and make a leap in your career with an interesting work experience in the areas of engineering and business Administration.
We provide an important value for your professional development, helping you to create your own internal network and interact globally with your colleagues.

Are you ready to take the next step in your career?

working at Simemis can help you get the motivating and rewarding career you deserve. Our Talent management system helps you develop your full potential. If you are looking for a wide range of opportunities, in Simemis you will find it.
In Simemis, men and women from various fields, countries and cultures use their talents and ambition to advance their careers and achieve common goals. They are the basis of our success in the sector.


Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.Hellen Keller

Ventaja para America Latina

Tras un periodo de ajuste, ahora el sector profundiza en la búsqueda de mayor eficiencia y competitividad, la atracción denuevas inversiones y mitigar los efectos del cambio climático global. En la...

¿Agua del aire seco?

Imaginen un futuro en el que cada hogar tenga un aparato que saque toda el agua que el hogar necesita del aire, incluso en climas secos o desérticos, usando sólo el poder del sol. Ese futuro puede e...


Locate in the Bldg. La Aguja:

Headquarters: Av. 20 with Streets 10 and 11, Floor 4 office 4-2 Barquisimeto - Lara Venezuela


(+058) 0251-4178059
(+058) 0416-5839050
(+058) 0414-9732124

We are just a click away