We are a service company in the area of energy with experience in the construction, operation and maintenance of industrial plants in Venezuela, we provide a professional support service to foreign companies that come to the country to develop projects of engineering, procurement, construction (IPC), Operations and maintenance O&M, with emphasis on the area of oil & gas, although we adapt to any requirement and area of competence of our customers.


Every day we work to improve the working systems in order to guarantee the quality of the same, evaluating errors and new strategies until the optimization. Personal and professional development is very important in Simemis. Success depends to a large extent on our ability to recruit the right people and promote the right talents.

Our terms of employment are among the best in the industry and underline our corporate culture in performance and development-oriented. We are proud of our culture that focuses on our customers and solve their problems.







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Growth opportunities in Simemis expand worldwide. We work with staff from different countries, so you will have to relate daily with customers and colleagues from a wide variety of innovative areas that have a culture based on the values of the relationship with the client, personal commitment and operational excellence.

Their personal growth has a great value for Simemis. Our success depends to a great extent on finding and promoting the right talents.


Locate in the Bldg. La Aguja:

Headquarters: Av. 20 with Streets 10 and 11, Floor 4 office 4-2 Barquisimeto - Lara Venezuela


(+058) 0251-4178059
(+058) 0416-5839050
(+058) 0414-9732124

We are just a click away