Siberian scientists discover how to increase oil production

Researchers at the State University of Tiumén, in western Siberia, developed a technology that allows to increase the production of oil through chemical and thermal methods at the subsoil level, reports the press office of the Educational Center.

The tests of this technological advance are already carried out in deposits of Lukoil and Rosneft.

«Scientists at the State University of Tiumén and the National Institute of Biochemical Physics N.M. of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in collaboration with the specialists of the Síbneftemash plant and the service Provider Center for Petroleum Technology,» They managed to create a new procedure for exploiting oil fields that brings together thermal and geochemical methods. To implement this technological breakthrough means to increase the production of black gold up to six times compared to the current methods, «says the communiqué released by the university.

In addition, this technology does not require the use of high-pressure steam injection and does not require a large amount of equipment.

«Technology will allow our economy to increase the capacity to generate energy without intensive exploitation of natural resources,» says Galina Lázareva, one of the scientists of the project.

Fyodorov revealed some impressive statistics to illustrate his conclusions: on average, oil production will grow six times. However, there are cases in which the increase is multiplied up to 10 or 20 times. Technology use tests showed almost 100% success.

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