At Simemis we provide services that maximize the operational life and reliability of your turbomachinery for both gas compression and power generation. We offer various engineering services and contractual services that allow you to manage the operating and maintenance costs of your equipment. We are focused on the customer and offering a wide range of specialized know-how.


– Installation, precommissioning, commissioning, start-up and start-up of Turbomachinery for gas compression or electric power generation.

– Babysittings for turbomachinery operation assistance.

– Overhauls, major maintenance and preventative of turbomachinery:
– Replacement of Blades.
– Change of generator of gases and turbines of power.
– Replacement of bearings.
– Replacement of dry seals to centrifugal compressors.

– Alignment and rolling of rotating equipment.

– Boroscópicas inspections.

– Flushing.

– Instrumentation and control.

– Gas compressors. Arises.

– Installation and assembly of equipment.



– Thermal analysis of installations.

– Energy cogeneration studies.

– Training actions in operation and maintenance, instrumentation and control.

– Cataloging of parts and components.

– Supply of parts and components.

– Hoisting of equipment.



– Elaboration of preventive and predictive maintenance plans.
– Analysis of mechanical vibrations.
– Oil analysis.
– Repair of electric motors.
– Instrument calibration.
– Supply of crews.
– Supply of spare parts and consumables.
– Warehouse management.
– Equipment preservation.
– Advice to the maintenance management.



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Locate in the Bldg. La Aguja:

Headquarters: Av. 20 with Streets 10 and 11, Floor 4 office 4-2 Barquisimeto - Lara Venezuela


(+058) 0251-4178059
(+058) 0416-5839050
(+058) 0414-9732124

We are just a click away